Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Mary Webquest


Mary of Nazareth
Web quest
Jones, Emilia



What does the name “Mary” mean?

Mary, a Greek form of the Hebrew name Miriam or Mariam, means ‘wise woman’ or ‘lady’.

What three images do we have of Mary in our minds?

An image image of Mary that I have in my mind is when she is speaking with Angels, one Mother of God; Virgin, Another image includes the types of dress she is wearing, she is corvered and she is very modest.

What percentage of people of Nazareth were peasant farmers?

About 70% of the people of Nazareth were probaly peasant farmers.

What religion was Mary?

Mary was.

List 4 facts about Jewish scriptural stories Mary’s would have followed.

The sorts of thing she would have done is eaten Jewish foods, observed holy days, known Jewish Laws.

What were the three classes which existed in Nazareth and which one did Mary’s family belong to?

The three classes were the Rich, the poor and the destitute. Mary was of the poor class.

What are 2 reasons why the 4 Gospels present the story of Mary differently?

One reason is that they were writing for different audiences and another reason was that they were trying to convey ideas about Jesus and God.

What was the Gospel writer Mark implying when Jesus reset the boundaries of family life by saying – “Who are my mother and my brothers?’ And looking at those who sat around him, he said, ‘Here are my mother and my brothers! Whoever does the will of God is my brother and sister and mother. (Mark 3:33-35)”?

He kind of said that everyone who believes in God is his family.

What did the Gospel writer Luke paint Mary as?

She was a role model, but also human with normal emotions, failings etc.

Why was it difficult for Mary to become pregnant while unmarried?

It was against social norms at the time and it could be dangerous for her.

What was a Jewish woman’s responsibility for her children?

She had to care for child and educate  them in Jewish Religion.

What point of view does Matthew’s Gospel paint Jesus’ birth? What does the story preceded by?

Matthew Gospel is from Josphehs point of view, followed by a Genology

What 2 stories does John’s Gospel contain which the other Gospel’s do not?

John’s Gospel includes Wedding at Cana and Mary witnessed the crucifixion of her son.

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